A Word from the Director – August 2020

Stanley Ziemba

By Stan Ziemba

ICT has spent the last several months working with each department to ensure the faculty and staff have the equipment they need to work remotely.  Additionally, ICT has partnered with the central IT group to develop several solutions that provide the resources our students need to do coursework and research remotely.  ICT has also worked with each of the departments to provide proper distancing in the computer labs to help keep the Maxwell community safe.  A big thanks to the ICT staff for their hard work and dedication!

ICT has completed the migration to the new Office 365 software with great success.  As mentioned in the last newsletter,  the functionality is the same and Shannon has incorporated Office 365 in all of her training courses.  We are also in the process of upgrading the Maxwell School computers to the latest version of Windows.  Again, same functionality but Microsoft requires that we do this more frequently to ensure Windows is secure and to introduce new features and improvements.  The upgrade involves a simple reboot.  As of this writing, all the public computers and labs, plus office computers that were not being used for remote desktop have been upgraded.  ICT staff will reach out to the remaining users to work out a convenient time to perform the upgrade.

The Microsoft Excel Certification program is still available remotely at no charge to all Maxwell, Arts and Science, and iSchool students and staff.  Please check out the site for more information on this free service!

Stay safe everyone!